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Welcome To My Home Page

I am Troakin del Noire au Roth, and i welcome you to my homepage. Here, i intend to have a place for my fellow wiccans to visit, and any others that may have an interest, or just the idly curious.

But more than that. There is misinformation about what Wicca is and who practices the Craft. i also want this to be an educational guide as well. I hope to include links to educational sites, document sites all relating to the Craft. While i am not the final authority on the Craft and its traditions, i hope to make you think. If you are Wiccan, then learn something of the past and what had to be gone through (needlessly) or if you are just curious, then read and may you come away with a better knowledge of who we are and what we do.

As you can see, this site is under construction, and will be for some time, but there will be a link so that all may browse for needed items.

I was dedicated into the Craft when i was 16, i am now 55 and have learned much about the different traditions and i am familiar with them, plus i hope to have a history of the Craft soon, so that all may learn.

So, enjoy your visit and of course you may send me email with suggestions and comments or questions you may have about the Craft. Enjoy and learn.

Merry Part and Blessed Be.

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