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Troakin del Noir au Roth
This will be a little about myself so that you may know something of me. I had a Master/Teacher who dedicated me to the Craft when i was 16. Since that time it has been a journey full of learning and enjoying, and yes, at times, trouble.

Currently, i reside in beautiful British Columbia, Vancouver Island. This place is full of nature and gets me in touch with the Craft and myself better.

I majored in Philosophy and History when in college, so i have an inquisitive mind and question most things. A tendency, i fear, that has gotten me in trouble from time to time.

I have taken on a student to teach her my tradition, which is Druidic/Sumarian, as my Master/Teacher taught me. Her Craft name is Briannion Tauartha Dedannion, and from time to time she will probably have something to interject. *g*

I enjoy reading, writing, music, especially Enya, a fellow wiccan, and going out into the mountains around this place.

The Craft
The Craft, i fear, is misunderstood by many. And the reasons for it are varied and many. From misinformation by movie or word of mouth, it remains misunderstood. I am a solitaire, which means that i practice alone. There are covens to which a few belong, and in my opinion,i find that these are too political and the Craft suffers because of it.

Wiccans work through the natural elements found in abundance on this planet and through the application of herbals. We help when we can, and when we are asked. We are also tolerant of other religions or beliefs, after all, we are all trying to better ourselves and get to a place, what matter the path? the destination is the main objective.

I hope to also include a history of the Craft on another page, so that all may read and learn. It is an old religion predating both Eastern and Western doctrines. Wicca has its roots in the old Mother Earth Religions which sprang up about 25,000 years ago, during the era of Paleolithic Man, so it is very old indeed.

Beautiful artwork of Johnathan Earl Bowser. All with the Goddess theme. I have included his work on photo page 2. Absolutely beautiful.
Goddess Art of Johnathan Earl Bowser

An explanation of our Sabbats and when they are observed. Excellent site for other information as well
The Witches Sabbats